
Worship Service starts at 9:30 AM CST
Come and join us here at The Mountain! We have powerful worship and fellowship every Sunday morning. Get ready for an anointed message straight from God’s Holy Word.
Need prayer? Frequently, you will be able to come forward for prayer. Our Spirit led prayer team will lay their hands on you and agree with you in prayer for your victory. Be prepared to see the “mountains” in your life be uprooted and cast into the sea!
Finally, stay with us for a few minutes after the service and enjoy some refreshments in our Mountain Java Cafe. This is a great time to rejoice in the breakthroughs God’s Word brings. You’ll love our members and discover that we want to get to know you! Make a decision to join us this Sunday!
Sunday Nursery and children’s ministry available from 3 to 3rd Grade. For children under 3, there is a quiet room where you may watch the live service and comfortably care for your young children.
Service at 7:00 – 8:00 PM CST
Adult Bible Study with Pastor David J. Gonzalez
1st Wed of the Month – Healing Service