Prayer Request
We will agree with you in prayer for your needs! No request is too small or too big! We have seen great miracles in our ministry. You are taking the first step in utilizing the powerful tools God has given us.
Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:19-20
By simply making a prayer request you are making the statement that you believe God’s Word! You are reaching out in faith that God can and will move in your life!
A powerful prayer life is developed. As you increase in understanding the mechanics of prayer you will also increase in power.
The next step is the power of doing! You must Do! In English we all learned that a verb is an action word. It is no mistake that in the above scripture there are included action words. Agree…Ask…in My name.

No matter what it looks like or feels like continue to thank God that He has moved that “mountain” from your path.
We are agreeing in unwavering faith together that, that “mountain” is already moved! No matter what it looks like or feels like continue to thank God that He has moved that “mountain” from your path. Do not speak any words that disagree in what we have already agreed upon! This is important! Even our earthly court systems understand this. We have all heard “any word you say can and will be used against you in the court of law”. Satan, our enemy, can and will use any word you say against you. This takes practice, practice, practice! The good news is we have a great lawyer, Jesus, who can and will make up laws to save His people. So don’t give up and keep practicing.
The next step is ask. In part you are doing this by filling out this prayer request. However you are still required, as we can plainly see in the above scripture, that you have to ask Father God.
Finally, put God’s seal on this document by ending your prayer “in the name of Jesus”. Exactly His name. His name is not Christ that simply means Messiah. His name is Jesus.
Now you are ready! Fill out your prayer request and lets get this “mountain” uprooted and cast into the sea!
When your miracle comes to pass please let us know! The testimony of God’s miracles in your life helps others keep their faith strong. Including those that are praying over these prayer requests.
Thank You ...