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September 2023 Newsletter

“Behold, days are coming,” declares Yahweh, “When the plowman will overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; When the mountains will drip sweet wine and all the hills will be dissolved.” Amos 9:13

There is a time coming soon, when this scripture will be fulfilled as a daily blessing to the entire world, during the Millennial Reign.  But, until that time, we must each run the race that God has put in front of us.  Twenty-six years ago in 1997, the Holy Spirit spoke to me several times, telling me to start this church and ministry, and showed me many things to do, and to get prepared for.  At that time my life was extremely busy.  Eight children to raise, a business to run, and over 200 animals to feed and shear on our farm.  At the same time, there were ministries that I was running in the jails and prisons, at a campground and in hospitals and nursing homes. Looking back, I am not sure I can tell you how this all converged.  But by the grace of God, God in His mercy aided me wonderfully.  Then God added something else into my life.

In February/March of 1997, while sitting in our living room with our eight children, and watching a TBN live program from Dallas, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me to turn to the television and listen for a Word from heaven.  A guest on the program, looking intently into the screen, began to prophesy.  She said this (approximately), “There is a fire breaking out in Iowa, there is a fire breaking out in Minnesota…” Then she paused. I imagine that she was thinking about how to phrase the next part of the prophesy.  I heard God say, “This next part is for you.”  Then, she went on to say, “…and there is a fire breaking out in central Wisconsin…”  She elaborated on that fire that she was seeing in central Wisconsin.  The Spirit spoke to me again and said, “I’m going to have you start a church.”  That was it, I knew that I was committed to His calling.

As of this week, Mountain Faith Church and David Gonzalez Ministries has had 26 years of sharing the Good News.  As of September 7th, we now begin our 27th year.  For those of you who have followed us since 1997, and for those who are curious about this ministry, the following is a timeline of our early years.

  • Spring 1997 – I receive a vision to start a church.  God shows me to plant it in Wisconsin Dells.
  • September 7, 1997 – Our first service is held in a meeting room at the Dells hotel, the Copa Cabana.
  • October 1997 – The Spirit gives me a vision to be directly on the I-90/94 interstate. 
  • February 6, 1998, we sign a lease for an old auto parts store next to the interstate exit.  Inside building renovations begin immediately. 
  • March 22, 1998 – We have our first service at our new 1091 Wisc Dells Pkwy location, right on the I-90/94 Dells highway exit.  No more Sunday mornings hotel setup!
  • November 1998- God speaks to me again and says to buy land right on the interstate.
  • February 1999 – We buy 36.5 acres of vacant farm land bordering about 1400 feet of I-90/94.  Nearly 80 percent of the land was donated to us by the seller who was a Christian.  Wow!!
  • February 14, 1999 – God speaks to me again on a Thursday night and says to go on television with our own broadcast.  The following morning, we purchase 1 year of airtime on local tv station WRPQ for Sunday mornings, and have only 60 days to figure out how to put a one-hour broadcast together.  Over the next five years, we buy airtime on several other Wisconsin stations.
  • July 23, 2003 – I am publicly ordained by Dr. Hilton Sutton.  He was world-renowned for Biblical Prophecy and End-Time events.  Many cabinet members of the Israeli Parliament sought his Biblical advice, where he was often a guest.
  • January 20, 2004 – I get word that our renovated car parts building was purchased and we had only 21 days to vacate.  For three weeks I tried desperately to find another location to rent or lease, without success.  Again, directed by the Holy Spirit, in 30 days, we design a brand-new facility on our vacant 36 acres.  Construction begins on March 20th, and we have all kinds of help with construction and finances.  Many miracles occurred to complete the building in a record 50 days.  All with completed state approvals for a public building!
  • June 2004 – We hold our first services in our new building on Moon Road.   

There is not room here to list all the miracles since 2004!  Recently, we were given access to high-speed fiber-optic service at a fraction of the $50,000 installation cost, we updated all our video recording equipment earlier this year, and we have more than tripled our television viewing audience in just the last two years!  Souls, Souls, Souls.  As Jeremiah 23:29 says, “Is not My word like fire?” declares Yahweh, “and like a hammer which shatters a rock?”

As I begin this 27th year, I have a brand-new passion and excitement for the future of this ministry!  Already, doors are opening to new television markets, newer equipment is being sourced, and our viewing platforms are outperforming all our previous efforts.  This increases our effectiveness for winning souls and for the growing up of the saints.

If you have not done so yet, download our mobile app here.  You will have instant access to our daily devotionals, and to our entire free library of over 400 recorded messages.

If you have a testimony to share, please send me a letter of how this ministry has blessed you.  We will make most of the letter’s we receive public.

Lastly, would you please prayerfully consider recommitting your financial support to this ministry?  Help us stand in the gap for those that are hungry for a change in their lives!

“For thus says the Lord Yahweh, “Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out.” Ezekiel 34:11

Get yourselves ready, for this world is about to change.  Make your heart and life ready for the return of our Lord Jesus.  I am praying for you daily!


Pastor David Gonzalez

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