I WANT to share some inspiring stories from a few of our partners. Just last month, the family of a partner asked me to come and see their husband and father, Jim, before he passed away. I had never met him before, and I was happy to be with him just days before he passed. Jim was 81.
What I did not know is this; that he learned how to have great faith, and this past May, he wrote a testimony letter of how learning to have faith
saved him from leukemia. Jim was a faithful follower of this ministry for 15 years from our television programming out of Madison. Here is part of his testimony.
“In February of 2021, (the doctors said) that I had 2 weeks to 8 months to live. I have now lived 39 months with no signs of leukemia. Maybe if I tell my story, it might help someone else. I was reading my Bible, Ephesians 6:10-20. It says we do not battle with flesh and blood. When I read the word ‘blood’, I knew it was talking about my blood. I had a vision in my mind’s eye that there were…demons…putting stuff…into my blood. So, I verbally cast them out into the desert and never to return, in the name of Jesus”. Those attending his funeral testified that Jim became a spiritual leader, speaking encouragement into many of their lives!
In just this year of 2024, David Gonzalez Ministries began reaching three completely new areas of the Midwest on television. First, Des Moines Iowa in January, then Billings Montana in June reaching over half of Montana and Wyoming. This month we went on four powerful FOX/NBC stations encompassing most of North Dakota. Thousands of people that are displaced from church, bound in homes and hospitals, and tens of thousands more that want truthful preaching and teaching, are more and more tuning in weekly to our TV broadcasts and our on-line platforms. While we are growing rapidly, I still need your help.
We have need of high definition programming equipment, a large digital display screen, raises for our faithful and competent employees, and better sanctuary lighting. Our aim is to reach the lost and grow up the saints, using technology that best reaches the public. Your support is key in allowing me and this ministry to speak to thousands and thousands of people looking for truth in these end-times.
Would you consider partnering with me in the call to reach as many souls as possible with the Good-News of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah?
Another note just came in from Bob saying, “Love the creation sermons, can’t get enough of them…”
Jesus said that we can know the signs of the times. If you believe like me that we do not have much time left before Jesus’ return on the clouds for the church, then this is your opportunity to respond!
Would you consider giving regularly to this ministry, weekly or monthly? You can do that by going online to our website and click on the DONATION button. You can call us at 608-356-1804, and set up a regular automatic partnership. You can write us and send in a single gift to help the needs of God’s people!
Your support of me and the work of this ministry will make a lasting and eternal impact!
I am praying for you daily! Shalom!
Pastor David Gonzalez

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