Author: admin
October 2023 Newsletter “I am the LORD, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, nor My praise to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8 Have you ever noticed that we traditionally do not call our God by His name, or have you never thought of that? I thought it was normal for …
Welcome to December finally. Three weeks ago in November, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Now, upgrade all your 1080 cameras to 4k cameras, equipment and software.” Immediately we researched and discovered that all of the editing computers and software would need to be upgraded to handle the much larger files for 4k …
October Is Pastor Appreciation Month
The elders who perform their leadership duties well are to be considered worthy of double honor (financial support), especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching [the word of God concerning eternal salvation through Christ]. I Timothy 5:17 AMP Pastor Appreciation Month is here and we want to take this time to reflect on …
The Cost of a Soul & The Days of Noah
And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the …
Easter is a special time of year. Outside of Easter, the only international holiday that involves more acceptance is Christmas. Yet over the last 30 years or so, many Christians have been embarrassed into the closet on celebrating what should be one of the two the most joyous celebrations of all time. In this short letter, I …
The Circus
Wednesday 9:30am, March 13th, 2013 As I study and prepare for this Sunday’s message on the Prophecies concerning the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD, I am reminded again about how deceived many can quickly become concerning Satan’s manipulation of the Church. One of my favorite scriptures for many years has been the prophecies of …
Choose for yourself one of the four fasts listed below: A straight no-food fast (water only) for all three days. The “Daniel fast” (Daniel 10:3), where you don’t eat any “tasty” food, nor meat, basically eating only fruits and vegetables. A partial fast, miss one or more meals. A sun-up to sun-down fast. Whatever kind …
Every holiday or celebration around the globe has a distinctive reason to be celebrated. The Chinese New Year is celebrated every year, generally in February for 15 days, and observes the signs of the Zodiac. It is the most important and longest holiday on the Chinese calendar. It is celebrated, by anyone Chinese. Sukkot, an …